सीएसआईआर - भर्ती एवं मूल्यांकन बोर्ड
CSIR-Recruitment & Assessment Board

वैज्ञानिक तथा एवं औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Institute

विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India

What‘s New

CSIR-RAB invites applications for filling up of 11 Scientific positions in CSIR HQRS. Apply Online

Welcome to CSIR-RAB

CSIR-RAB is an entity within CSIR constituted by the Governing Body of CSIR in its 153rd meeting held on 01.05.2002 for the purpose of conducting and / or facilitating recruitment and assessment promotions of Scientists in Group IV posts of the Council.

The Chairperson of the CSIR-RAB shall be appointed by the President, CSIR. The Members of the Board shall be appointed / nominated by the Vice-President (VP), CSIR.

Constitution of Recruitment and Assessment Board (RAB) shall be as follows:

  • An Indian citizen of eminence in the S & T domain
  • Chairperson, Recruitment & Assessment Centre (RAC), DRDO / Chairperson, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB)
  • One Eminent Scientist who is also a sitting member of the Governing Body, CSIR.
  • One Co-Chairperson from the Panel of Co-Chairpersons approved by the VP, CSIR.
  • One senior Director of a CSIR Laboratory/Institute.
  • Head, RAB

Powers and Functions of the Board :

  • The Board may recommend policy initiatives for recruitment and assessment of Group IV scientists of the Council.
  • The Board may suggest ways and means to overcome operational difficulties and recommend modifications / amendments in these Rules. However, the power to amend these Rules shall vest with the Governing Body, CSIR.

About CSRAP Rules 2001

The Recruitment and Assessment Promotion of scientists in CSIR, is governed by the provisions of CSIR Scientists Recruitment & Assessment Promotion Rules 2001 (CSRAP Rules 2001), as amended from time to time. CSRAP Rules, 2001, has been framed under the provisions of Bye Law 11 of CSIR Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws. It has been duly approved by the Governing Body of CSIR in its 151st meeting held in October 2001 and by the President of CSIR (Hon’ble Prime Minister of India). The CSRAP Rules 2001, came into force w.e.f. 01.01.2001 for Assessment and w.e.f 01.04.2001 for recruitment.

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